
私は 以前から「川遊び」が好きで夏になると木津川(京都府木津川市)によく出掛けていました。 手網で魚をすくったり釣りをしているうちに身近で魚を飼ってみたくなりました。
熱帯魚の飼育は管理が難しそうだけれど日本産の魚なら何とかなりそうなので、早速、水槽を買ってきて始める事にしました。 飼い始めてみるとかわいいもので、眺めているだけでストレス解消になります。

尚サイト内全ての写真の著作権は私gonta036にあります 無断複製は厳禁です。

How do you do, it is gonta036 of the “raigyo”illustrated book site administrator.
It liked play at river from before, and it was well out to the Kizu River when summer came.
I wanted to keep it in the house while a fish was scooped up with a net and fishing was being done.
Though control seems to be difficult, as for breeding of the tropical fish, the fish of Japanese native does something so. A water tank was bought, and it decided to begin at once.
It becomes a stress solution when it is looking by the tiny thing when it begins to try to keep it.
Will such be done for about eight years?
When a site related to other aquarium is being watched, a beautiful tropical fish and a water plant are wonderful, and it is always seen with a look of envy.
It will join me with the familiar fish from this as well because it can seem to do it very much and it is not here.
It is the longest in the fish kept till now though the leading part “cam” of my site was association in 3.
The story of Japanese native fresh-water fish as well will be renewed. Association is asked from this as well.

It stuck in the contents of our “raigyo” illustrated book site, and it was made based on the private experience of me gonta036 and the experience.
Therefore, take it into consideration that it isn’t always proved so that all phenomena may be the same in the individual.
It sticks to the accident which appeared from the contents of our site, the accident and the damage, and responsibility isn’t assured.
I gonta036 have the copyright of all the photographs in the site.
Reproduction without notice is prohibited strictly.